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Latham Zearfoss Garden Project Opening/Sensory Tour/Tree Giveaway


About the Program

To open their Garden Project at The Arts Club, titled Third Space, artist Latham Zearfoss will host a tree giveaway and lead a short tour of neighborhood points of interest, highlighting the five senses. Stops along the route will invoke historical milestones, imagined futures, and invite an embodied presence. Before and after the walking tour, a few small oak tree seedlings donated by Chicago Botanic Garden (while they last) will be available for attendees to take home and plant outdoors.

Free and Open to All

Access notes: This short tour (from 2 – 2:45pm) will include walking or moving via wheelchair and engagement with a wide array of stimuli.

Find additional details about navigating the the building, restrooms, parking and more at this link.
