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Yasmin Spiro with Danielle Roper

Garden Projects

Detail of an intricate rope weaving on a black garden fence
Detail, Yasmin Spiro: Groundation , 2023.
Detail of an intricate rope weaving on a black garden fence
Detail, Yasmin Spiro: Groundation , 2023.

About the Program

Yasmin Spiro’s (b. Kingston, Jamaica 1974) installation and semi-transparent weaving Groundation, currently on view in The Arts Club Garden, is an homage to Jamaican wicker weaver Sylvester Ivy that explores the creation of sacred spaces, vernacular architecture, and craft. In conjunction with EXPO Chicago Exhibition Weekend, Spiro is joined by Neubauer Family Assistant Professor in Latin American Literature at the University of Chicago Danielle Roper to discuss the work, Jamaican and Caribbean visual culture, spiritualism, and the history embedded in creative practices.